Sell Your Phone For Cash Even If It Is Broken

Usually, when possessions are broken, you stand very little chance of getting cash by selling them on. For example, if your car fails to work, it becomes highly unlikely to onsell the vehicle to someone else as the vast majority of dealers will not give you cash for it either. The same applies to virtually all products, including TV’s, phones, tablets, wearables, and so on.

So, if your mobile phone is broken, you might automatically assume that you will not be able to get any money for it. With this in mind, you might simply place the item away to gather dust and forget about, or even throw it away. But you may be making a mistake…

Here at Greener Mobile, we are committed to mobile phone and other tech recycling and may well be prepared to hand over cash for your handset even if it is no longer operating or functioning how it should be. You can sell us working, faulty, and non-working handsets.

When you are going through the process of selling your handset to us online via our website, all you have to do is select the non-working “dead” option.

This is great as it means that what you might have thought was completely worthless a few moments ago could in fact bring you in free, easy, fast cash.

Whatever you do, don’t disregard the potential of broken phones to earn you money. Instead, check out our website to see how much cash you can sell your handset for and get a great valuation today.

And, as well as potentially boosting your finances, you can rest assured you are also doing your bit for the planet and the environment as well.